Year of the Monkey Tarot Spread

Posted February 4, 2016 by Hazellie Wong in Tarot Spreads / 0 Comments

Year of the Monkey

February 8th is the first day of the 2016 Lunar New Year, and this year is the year of the Monkey!

In celebration of the Lunar New Year 2016, I have created this Year of the Monkey Tarot Spread and I am happy to share this with you.  It takes a look at what the seeker can expect in the Monkey year, and how they can embody the positive traits of the monkey.

The monkey is known to be highly intelligent, resourceful, and clever. It’s also a social and playful animal, and can often be mischievous.

The Spread

monkey year spread


The Questions

  1. What does the year of the Monkey hold for you?
  2. How can you best use your intelligence?
  3. How do you find creative solutions to difficult problems?
  4. What will satisfy your curiosity?
  5. What role do you play in society?
  6. How can you be more playful?

BONUS: The 3 Wise Monkeys

  1. Hear no evil – How you can stay true to your own truths and values despite what others may say
  2. See no evil – How you can focus on the positive in yourself, in others, and in the world
  3. Speak no evil – How you can spread positive messages and lift up the people around you

My Personal Reading

personal monkey year reading

  1. What does the year of the Monkey hold for you?

Wheel of Fortune

There will be some ups and downs, but you will find that you are mostly in control of your own fate. Take matters into your own hands as much as you can and create your own destiny, but if you ever find yourself helpless to the whims of the Universe, remember that the Monkey is resourceful and intelligent and will find his way out of any bind. So you can embody this attitude of the Monkey and make the best out of any situation you find yourself in.

  1. How can you best use your intelligence?

4 of Swords

Studying and collecting knowledge is great, but allow yourself time to ruminate on them or you won’t really fully understand what you learned. Take the time to ponder and mull things over. Intelligence is useless if it isn’t used wisely.

  1. How do you find creative solutions to difficult problems?

3 of Cups

With a little help from my friends! I like to talk things over with my best friends and people that I look up to. Sometimes I get ideas when I’m talking things out with them, sometimes they help me come up with great ideas. Always, I am grateful for my friends!

  1. What will satisfy your curiosity?

2 of Wands

Traveling, seeing the world. Moving across the world and seeing what I can achieve there.

  1. What role do you play in society?

8 of Swords

Helping others break down false personal beliefs. Perhaps I can also play a part in changing some of the narrow and prejudiced views of society that impose on anyone’s freedom and that should no longer have a place in our modern world.

  1. How can you be more playful?

Knight of Pentacles

Okay, I know the Knight of Pentacles has often been seen as slow and plodding, but my interpretation here is based on the question. How would the Knight of Pentacles be playful? I see the Knights as movement and action, and I see Pentacles as earthy, material, body, and finance. The best interpretation I can think of for being playful with the Knight of Pentacles, is movement with the body; dance!

BONUS: The 3 Wise Monkeys

  1. Hear no evil – How you can stay true to your own truths and values despite what others may say

Queen of Wands

She values compassion and creativity. She believes in inspiring others, not putting them down. I will stay true to my values by nurturing my creativity, doing what I love no matter how impractical it seems to others, and loving what I do every day. I will listen to my intuition and my animal and spirit guides.

  1. See no evil – How you can focus on the positive in yourself, in others, and in the world

Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is easily inspired and motivated. He is optimistic and never lets things get him down. His fire burns too brightly for anyone to ever cast a shadow over him. I will focus on the positive by surrounding myself with inspiring people and examples. I must be an inspiring example to others too. Before I say or do anything, ask myself, how will these words or actions inspire others.

  1. Speak no evil – How you can spread positive messages and lift up the people around you

8 of Cups

Look deeper for the messages I’m supposed to spread. I have a voice, and I have many things I want to say, but what can I say that would make a difference? I must search for my own truth or else I would not be able to spread the words of my truth.


It’s amazing how much this spread resonates for me! I have felt the truth of these messages especially in the last couple of weeks, and I love that this spread and the reading show me what I need to focus on this year and how I can do it. ♥

I hope you enjoy this tarot spread and I hope that my own personal reading helps you see how useful this spread is. I would love to hear back from you about how it worked for you if you use it. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me at If you’d like to have me read this spread for you, it is now available for purchase in the shop for a limited time only!

Have a happy Lunar New Year 2016! May the Year of the Monkey bless you with an abundance of health, wealth and happiness!


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Hazellie Wong

Hazellie Wong is a professional tarot diviner, numerologist, and spiritual coach. She is also the founder of and a certified Master Herbalist. She is a third-generation healer, and is passionate about helping people achieve optimum spiritual and emotional health through spiritual guidance.
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