Tag: rituals

Yule – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Posted December 17, 2018 by Hazellie Wong in Festivals & Events, Tarot Spreads / 0 Comments

Yule cover


Yule falls on Dec 21st and is also known as Yulefest, Yuletide, Christmastide. It is the Winter Solstice and marks the longest night of the year, when darkness is at its peak. After this day, light returns and the days start getting longer again, so it is not only a celebration of darkness but also the celebration of a renewal towards the light. The Goddess gives birth to the Sun God, and we celebrate this festival to welcome his return.

The word Yule is said to have come from the Old English words ġéol or ġéola, and the Old Norse word jõl, which apparently means “feast”. It is seems an appropriate word for the winter solstice festival as it is a time when family gather and feast together. In Chinese tradition, the winter solstice is a time for reuniting with family, enjoying good food, and making and eating tangyuan – glutinous rice flour balls often served with ginger soup. The spherical shape of the balls symbolizes completion and that the cycles of the year are once again repeating themselves.

Yule is a time for rest and renewal. As nature sleeps during winter and goes inwards, so should we go inwards and restore ourselves spiritually, emotionally, and physically.


If you would like to observe Yule with a ritual, here are a few simple ones you can perform:

  • Make tangyuan with your family, and enjoy eating the results together.
  • Hang up a mistletoe in your house and kiss someone under it!
  • Light a Yule Candle (any red or green candle will do) on your altar and allow it to burn throughout the night. (Please observe fire safety carefully. Do not do this if you do not feel it will be safe.)
  • Do some internal reflection work with the free Envision 2019 Workbook.
  • Arrange for a huge gathering and have a feast with family and friends.
  • And finally, perform a divination ritual with this Yule Tarot Spread below.

The Spread

The Questions

1. Night: What does the darkness reveal about me?
2. Shadows: What personal shadows must I embrace?
3. Reflection: What needs to be reflected upon?
4. Completion: What projects need to be completed this season?
5. Rebirth: How do I reignite my dormant passions?
6. Feast: How will I nourish my soul this season?

I hope that you enjoyed this spread and that you have a wonderful Yule celebration this year.

You can also purchase the complete Wheel of the Year Tarot Spreads which includes this spread and all the other spreads in the Wheel of the Year series in one convenient 40-page ebook in the shop.

As always, I would love to hear back from you about how it worked for you if you use it. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me at mynasmoon@gmail.com.

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