Moon Magic Release Course

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The Moon Magic Release Course is an 11-day journaling course for releasing all the negativity and fears that have been holding us back, and that we do not want in our lives anymore, followed up with affirming the things we do want more of in our lives. This is a powerful course that addresses our fears and false beliefs without judgement, and helps us release and let go of them, so that we can finally move forward with more confidence and happiness.

This course consists of three parts: 

Day 1: Welcome and prayer/ritual of intention.
Days 2 to 8: 7 days of releasing fears and negativity exercises.
Days 9 to 11: 3 days of affirmation and preparation for a fresh start focusing on what we want more of.

How it works:

There will be eleven lessons, one for each day, with simple journaling and ritual instructions for the releasing exercises and affirmations.

These lessons are designed to be short and concise, and the activities are kept simple so that you’ll be able to follow through with the course easily. All you need is about 15 minutes each day to do these exercises, but you are welcome to spend more time on them if you feel called to. There will also be a few additional exercises for those who want to delve deeper.

If you have concerns about time commitments, this course is designed for the busy person in mind, and each day’s activities will only take about 15 minutes to complete. If you are unable for any reason to complete the day’s exercise, simply move them forward to the following day or the next, when you have more time.

Once you’ve enrolled for the course, you’ll have access to it forever, and you can also download the lessons in PDF format so you can print them and work on them whenever you have time. You can also revisit the course again any time you like, the exercises in the course will still be helpful to you months, even years from now.

Materials you will need:

A glass of water
A quiet and private space where you can journal and do these exercises – preferably a space near a window that allows the moonlight in.

Optional materials:
A tarot or oracle deck
A safe container for burning paper and/or incense – perhaps a small flower pot or incense burner. Please be safe when working with fire!


Click on the button below to enroll now! 


If you have any additional questions, please email me at . Thank you. I am excited to start manifesting some powerful moon magic with you!




“I just finished your Moon Magic Releasing course and wanted to let you know how much I loved it!!!!! I am usually not all that good about doing something specific every day but I got hooked on your course right away and couldn’t wait to see your daily email in my inbox. It has brought about some profound moments for me and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I needed this so very much. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I am so grateful that I found you. Love & light & all that is good coming your way! xx” – Bine Pe


The #moonmagicrelease has been an emotional journey for me. I liked that the course is planned according to the cycle of the moon and it’s the end of 2016, which has been a turbulent year for me… The releasing and clearing of anger has been the most useful personally. Most of the time I’m rather calm and collected, because I don’t like confrontation and therefore, I’d rather be silent and try to deal with the emotion internally… This course has shown me a healthy way to let go of the disempowering emotions, to make space for the happy, joyful ones.

I love that I’m embarking on my self care, self love journey with @hazelliewong 11-day #moonmagicrelease course.” – Mindy Choo


“”If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken by an inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside.”

We are the one holding up ourself most of the time, and yet we never notice it. With the help of this course, I’m happy that I gain a new perspective. A change of thinking and doing really makes my life so much better.

I’m very happy to begin my 2017 with completing this special e-course.

Thanks Hazellie Wong.” – Kiaseng Lee


“I have been a longtime fan of Hazellie’s work, and when she told me about her Moon Magic Releasing course, I was totally on board. I knew that she didn’t have a lot of time to create it, so I was amazed when I saw how much was actually offered in the course. The emails were well-organized and the day-to-day exercises were, at different times, fun, helpful, and cathartic. My favorite parts of the course was the personal stories she’d tell to illustrate the lessons. It made the lessons easy to relate to. Well-worth the investment!” – Robert Aubertin


“Hazellie has created an effective course: it’s simple, compact and to-the-point, and just the right length. Using the guidance it contained, I cleared out some mental and emotional clutter to see where I was at, and from there I could plan some steps to move forward in my life. I’ll do it again in the future, and have recommended it to friends.” ~ Edward Myatt