Tag: numbers

Universal Year of 3 – Numerology Tarot Spread

Posted January 4, 2019 by Hazellie Wong in Tarot Spreads / 2 Comments

In the last couple of years, I created the Universal Year of 1 Numerology Tarot Spread for 2017 and the Universal Year of 2 Numerology Tarot Spread for 2018. These spreads focused on using the tarot to give guidance on how we can leverage upon the numerological energies of each of the respective years.

2019 is the Universal Year of 3, and the number 3 energies are about creativity, communication, entertainment, expression, and expansion. On a global scale, it will be a really good year for the entertainment industry and those who work in media, art, music, and any creative industry. There will also be more of a spotlight than usual on celebrities and pop culture.

On a personal level, 2019 is a great year to work on any creative projects that you’ve been wanting to work on. Writing your book, starting a podcast, recording videos for your YouTube channel, or even just taking art, music, or dance lessons. As the year for creativity and expression, it is important to speak your truth this year, in any platform that makes sense to you. It can be publicly to an audience of hundreds, or even thousands of people, or it could be just you expressing yourself to a trusted friend, or even writing your feelings in a journal.

One important thing to look out for in the year of 3, is unnecessary or unwanted drama. If you find people around you engaging in gossip or drama, try to help if you can, but do not get pulled in. If you find that it is you who are manifesting the drama, take a step back and ask yourself where in your life do you feel unheard or unable to express yourself, then find healther and more constructive ways to express yourself.

The Universal Year of 3 Numerology Tarot Spread below is designed to give some guidance on how we can leverage on the energies of the Universal Year of 3 in 2019.



  1. How can I best express my creativity in this year of 3?
  2. How can I communicate more effectively?
  3. What do I need in order to be able to speak my truth?
  4. What drama do I need to look out for?
  5. What new creative projects should I take on?
  6. How can I cultivate more creativity?
  7. What can I do to bring more joy to others?
  8. What new expansions can I look forward to?

I hope you enjoy this spread and that it helps you express your creativity in 2019. I would love to hear back from you about how it worked for you if you use it. Please leave a comment below or contact me at mynasmoon@gmail.com to share your experience with this spread with me!

You can now purchase the complete Numerology Tarot Spreads ebook which includes all basic information about the numerological energies, and tarot spreads for numbers 1 to 9 in one convenient 48-page ebook in the shop.

If you are intrigued with how the Universal Year Numbers work and how you can leverage on numerology to create the future you want, you might also want to check out the Charting Your Future with Tarot and Numerology course.

You might also be interested in the FREE Envision 2019 Workbook. You can download the free PDF here.

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