Tag: intuition

Universal Year of 2 – Numerology Tarot Spread

Posted December 23, 2017 by Hazellie Wong in Tarot Spreads / 0 Comments


Last year I created a Universal Year of 1 Numerology Tarot Spread for 2017. The spread focused on how to leverage on the energies of the Universal Year of 1. The number 1 energies are about leadership, being a pioneer, creating or initiating new things, achieving goals, and being the best at what you do, and it seemed like 2017 was a year for that. On a global scale, we also saw a lot of the spotlight on the leaders of the world, including some harsh spotlight on celebrities. The energies can manifest in both positive and negative ways, so it often depends on what we do with those energies to ensure a good year for ourselves.

2018 is the Universal Year of 2, and the number 2 energies are about relationships, connections, peace, balance, and empathy. On a global scale, we will be seeing more news about international treaties and alliances, both for and against, as well as partnerships and mergers of businesses and companies. It will also be a good year for those in the networking business, the wedding or matchmaking industries, and those who deal with connecting people.

On a personal level, 2018 is a good year to reevaluate your life and relationships, figure out the people and values that are truly important to you, find your balance, and improve your relationships with the people you want to keep in your life. It is also important to remind yourself to take time for self-care this year as it will be easy to get caught up in helping other people that you forget about your own needs.

The Universal Year of 2 Numerology Tarot Spread below is designed to give some guidance on how we can leverage on the energies of the Universal Year of 2 in 2018.


Universal Year of 2 tarot spread


  1. How can I achieve balance in this year of 2?
  2. How can I improve the relationships in my life?
  3. In what ways do I need to put myself first?
  4. What areas of my life do I need to reevaluate?
  5. What difficult choices will I have to make?
  6. How do I learn to pay more attention to my intuition?
  7. What can I do to help others?
  8. What new connections can I look forward to?

I hope you enjoy this spread and that it helps you find your balance and improve relationships in 2018. I would love to hear back from you about how it worked for you if you use it. Please leave a comment below or contact me at mynasmoon@gmail.com to share your experience with this spread with me!

You can now purchase the complete Numerology Tarot Spreads ebook which includes all basic information about the numerological energies, and tarot spreads for numbers 1 to 9 in one convenient 48-page ebook in the shop.

If you are intrigued with how the Universal Year Numbers work and how you can leverage on numerology to create the future you want, you might also want to check out the Charting Your Future with Tarot and Numerology course.

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The Challenges and Rewards of Being A Tarot Reader

Recently I came across this brilliant post, Ten Things to Never Say to Your Tarot Reader,  about the ignorant and disrespectful statements some people have made to tarot readers. I’ve been pretty lucky in that most people I’ve read for have been wonderful people who genuinely seek answers, but there have been a few I’ve come across that have been disrespectful. Once, someone even said that I probably use the readings to scare my clients into buying protection spells or talismans or some other such thing! If I was that kind of witch, I would’ve already put a curse on him. […]

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Intuition – Is it real? Does it really work?

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