Tag: harvest

Mabon – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Posted September 18, 2018 by Hazellie Wong in Festivals & Events, Tarot Spreads / 0 Comments

mabon cover


Mabon falls on September 21-22, and is also known as the Autumn Equinox, Fall Equinox, Harvest Home, and Harvest Tide. It is the second of the three Harvest Festivals – the Fruit Harvest, with Lughnasa as the First Harvest – the Grain Harvest,  and Samhain as the Third and Final Harvest – the Nuts and Berries Harvest. Mabon is named after one of the gods of Welsh mythology, Mabon ap Modron, who is the Child of Light and son to Modron, the Earth Mother Goddess. However, it seems that this name is relatively new and was only coined in 1970.

The spring equinox, Ostara, is the day where there is equal length between day and night before the days start getting longer again. Conversely, Mabon, the autumn equinox, is the day where there is equal length between the day and night before the nights start getting longer again.

As with each Harvest Festival, it is a time for celebration and giving thanks for the fruits of our labor. It is a time to look back on our lives, and recognizing as well as celebrating all the hard work and effort we have made to get to where we are. It is also time to finish up our old projects and start planning for new ones to get us where we want to go.


If you would like to observe Mabon with a ritual, here are a few simple ones you can perform:

  • Set up your Mabon altar with a variety of fruits, like apples, pears, and berries, to celebrate the Fruit Harvest. You can also decorate your altar in the colors of autumn – red, orange, brown, and gold.
  • Or pack a basket of fresh fruits and go outdoors to enjoy a fruit picnic with your loved ones.
  • Bake an apple pie or your favorite fruit pie!
  • Take some time to write in your journal about everything you are grateful for and to look back on the work that you have done.
  • And of course, you can perform a divination ritual with the Mabon Tarot Spread below!

The Spread

mabon tarot spread

The Questions

1. Ripe: What rewards are ripe for the picking?
2. Zest: How do I celebrate and give thanks for my achievements?
3. Core: What are my core beliefs that strengthen me?
4. Peel: What must I leave behind?
5. Fruition: What projects do I need to bring to fruition?
6. Fruitful: What new projects will be fruitful for the future?

I hope that you enjoyed this spread and that you have a wonderful Mabon celebration this year.

You can also purchase the complete Wheel of the Year Tarot Spreads which includes this spread and all the other spreads in the Wheel of the Year series in one convenient 40-page ebook in the shop.

As always, I would love to hear back from you about how it worked for you if you use it. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me at mynasmoon@gmail.com.

Lughnasa – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Lughnasa – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Lughnasa Lughnasa falls on August 1st, about halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. It is one of the four Celtic “Fire Festivals”; the other three being Imbolc, Beltane, and Samhain, and it marks the beginning of harvest season. It is traditionally the First Harvest of three – the Grain Harvest, with Mabon as the Second Harvest – the Fruit Harvest, and Samhain as the Third and Final Harvest – the Nuts and Berries Harvest. It is also known by the names Lughnassadh, Lugnasad, Lunastal, Luanistyn, Frey Fest, and Lammas. The word “lammas” comes from the words loaf mass […]

Posted July 29, 2018
Happy Autumn Equinox/Mabon!

Happy Autumn Equinox/Mabon!

  Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is the time for harvest and reaping what you have sown. The Autumn Equinox is also the day when there is equal light and dark. Before this day, the hours of daylight is more than the hours of night, and after this day, the hours of night will be more than the hours of daylight. Mabon has been appropriately called “The Witch’s Thanksgiving”. As it is the time for bountiful harvest, having a feast with friends and family, and giving thanks for the food and company, is the perfect way to celebrate […]

Posted September 22, 2014