Category: Festivals & Events

Mabon – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Mabon – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Mabon Mabon falls on September 21-22, and is also known as the Autumn Equinox, Fall Equinox, Harvest Home, and Harvest Tide. It is the second of the three Harvest Festivals – the Fruit Harvest, with Lughnasa as the First Harvest – the Grain Harvest,  and Samhain as the Third and Final Harvest – the Nuts and Berries Harvest. Mabon is named after one of the gods of Welsh mythology, Mabon ap Modron, who is the Child of Light and son to Modron, the Earth Mother Goddess. However, it seems that this name is relatively new and was only coined in 1970. The spring equinox, […]

Posted September 18, 2018
Lughnasa – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Lughnasa – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Lughnasa Lughnasa falls on August 1st, about halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. It is one of the four Celtic “Fire Festivals”; the other three being Imbolc, Beltane, and Samhain, and it marks the beginning of harvest season. It is traditionally the First Harvest of three – the Grain Harvest, with Mabon as the Second Harvest – the Fruit Harvest, and Samhain as the Third and Final Harvest – the Nuts and Berries Harvest. It is also known by the names Lughnassadh, Lugnasad, Lunastal, Luanistyn, Frey Fest, and Lammas. The word “lammas” comes from the words loaf mass […]

Posted July 29, 2018
Litha – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Litha – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Litha Litha falls on June 21-22, and is also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice. It is the longest day of the year, a day that marks the peak of the Sun God’s power. Each day after Litha will start to get progressively shorter, but on this day, we celebrate the most powerful day of the Sun. The name Litha is said to have come from the Old English word Líða that translates to the months that roughly corresponds with June and July. On the longest day of the year, we celebrate the abundance of light and fire, its […]

Posted June 18, 2018
Beltane – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Beltane – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Beltane Beltane falls on May 1st, about halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice, and it marks the beginning of summer. It is one of the four Celtic “Fire Festivals”; the other three being Imbolc, Lughnasa, and Samhain. It is also known by the names Bealtaine, La Beltain, May Eve, May Day, Galan-Mai, Valpurgis, and Cetshamain. The Beltane bonfire rituals are symbolic of the sun’s fire and heat, and is believed to originate from the worship of the sun god Belenus – where the festival gets its name from. Beltane is a time of fertility, harvest, and sexuality, with the Maypole as […]

Posted April 26, 2018
Ostara – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Ostara – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Ostara falls on March 21-22, and is also known as the Spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox. It is the day when there is perfect equilibrium between day and night, when there is equal length of light and dark before the days start becoming longer again. It also marks the first day of spring.

Ostara is so named after the Germanic goddess of fertility and rebirth, Eostre/Ostara…

Posted March 18, 2018
Year of the Dog Tarot Spread

Year of the Dog Tarot Spread

  In 2016, I created the Year of the Monkey Tarot Spread for the Lunar New Year. Last year, there was the Year of the Rooster Tarot Spread, and in keeping with tradition, I have created another spread to share with you this Lunar New Year of the Dog. The Dog is a loyal friend whose mission in life is to be of service. They are social and active animals, always sincere and true to themselves. They can be playful and optimistic, but also responsible animals that help to take care of others. The Year of the Dog Tarot Spread […]

Posted February 11, 2018
Valentine’s Day Path to Happiness Tarot Spread

Valentine’s Day Path to Happiness Tarot Spread

I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. I believe it has become too commercial and too focused on material gifts people have been conditioned to believe they need to give each other in order to show their love. It also highlights the “single-ness” of those who aren’t in relationships, and even for some in relationships, there is a sense of one-upping other couples with showing off what their significant others bought for them. Obviously, the more they spend on you equals the more they love you. I don’t think that kind of tendency makes Valentine’s Day a very happy […]

Posted February 8, 2018
Imbolc – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Imbolc – Rituals and Tarot Spread

Imbolc Imbolc (pronounced EE-Molc), falls on February 2nd, about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, marking the middle of winter and holding the promise of spring. It is one of the four Celtic “Fire Festivals”; the other three being Beltane, Lughnasa, and Samhain. It is also known as Candlemas, and St. Brigid’s Day, because it celebrates the Celtic Goddess Brigid (pronounced BREED). Brigid is the Goddess of poetry, healing, midwifery, and all things made by hand. She is also the Maiden incarnation of the Triple Goddess. Imbolc commemorates the changing of the Triple Goddess from her Crone […]

Posted January 27, 2018
Moon Phases – 2018

Moon Phases – 2018

The night of the new moon is the best time for prayers, spells, or any energy work to bring about new beginnings. In between the period of the new moon to the full moon, also known as the period of the waxing moon, spells for attracting more of the things you want in your life will have added power from the moon‘s energies. The night of the full moon is potent with power for psychic work and developing your intuition. And, from the full moon to the next new moon, also known as the period of the waning moon, spells for getting […]

Posted December 28, 2017
The Beginner’s Tarot Course – July 2017 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Beginner’s Tarot Course – July 2017 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dear tarot enthusiasts, many of you have asked about the next Beginner’s Tarot course, and I am very happy to say that we have finally scheduled it! I have expanded the course and it is now a three-day weekend course from July 21st to 23rd, 2017. There will be new material covered and the course will be more interactive. Inclusive of meals, a tarot deck, and all course materials! Please see details below. Tarot is a method of divination that has been used all over the world for centuries. It has been used for  finding solutions to mundane problems, enhancing creativity, […]

Posted June 22, 2017